
H is for Robert Heinlein

Robert Heinlein – Where He Fits In History

H is for Robert HeinleinRobert Heinlein was born in July 1907 in Butler, MO. This was the year that Maria Montissori opened her first school, suffragettes stormed the British Parliament, the bubonic plague broke out in San Francisco, the Boy Scouts began in England, and Theodore Roosevelt was our president

He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1929 and went to graduate school at the University of California, Los Angeles, in mathematics and physics, but his true love was writing.

Space Cadet based on real life experiences

My husband grew up a Robert Heinlein fan. I think we have every single book he wrote on our shelves. Many of the books are for adults, but there were a series that Heinlein wrote just for young adults. Now these are called the Heinlein Juveniles.

Among the young adult books, Heinlein wrote a story called Space Cadet that is based on experiences he had in the naval academy. Given our country’s budgeoning Space Force, Space Cadet might be a fun book for your teen this summer!

Here is a brief list of books you probably recognize, and maybe some new ones that will become treasured favorites in your home.

The Juveniles

  • Rocket Ship Galileo
  • Space Cadet
  • Red Planet
  • Farmer in the Sky
  • Between Planets
  • The Rolling Stones
  • Starman Jones
  • The Star Beast
  • Tunnel in the Sky
  • Time for the Stars
  • Citizen of the Galaxy
  • Have Space Suit—Will Travel
  • Starship Troopers

Scouting stories for boys (these were originally printed in Boy’s Life, the Boy Scout magazine in the 1940’s and 1950’s)

  • Nothing Ever Happens on the Moon
  • Tenderfoot in Space

Puddin’ stories for girls

  • Poor Daddy
  • Cliff and the Calories
  • The Bulletin Board

Come back next week and read about another author.

But in the meantime, join me and my fantastic co-hosts as we link up all of our “H is for” posts!

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4 Responses

  1. I always loved reading his books when I was younger. Honestly forgot about him until I saw your post. I must find some of his books for my boys! Thanks for the reminder.