DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Brinkman Adventures Season 4

Brinkman Adventures Season 4 from Brinkman Adventures

I was excited to have the opportunity to review Brinkman Adventures Season 4 from Brinkman Adventures and I was even able to interest my teenage son!

Brinkman Adventures Season 4Season 4 of the Brinkman Adventures includes 12 episodes of fun and adventure and learning about what it means to be a Christian.

Each episode highlights a Christian principle that we all try to instill in our children.

Some of the episodes relate fun and hijinks. Some of the episodes are mostly fiction. And many of the episodes tell the real-life stories of one person’s struggle to worship God in spite of cultural or governmental hurdles and danger.

We travel in the stories all around the world. Some of the stories are mostly fiction, but many are real. The power of the Brinkman Adventures is its authenticity. You grow throughout the episodes to know and understand each member of the family. It is a wonderful way to teach your children about humility, perseverance, and faith.

The Episodes will teach your children about life in far away places in a very intimate way – right in the middle of the action.

We live in such a safe place in this country, where we are free to openly believe and worship God. In so many countries around the world this is not the case. Explaining the struggles of Christians in other countries or reading a history book does not convey the way life is in so much the world.

But the Brinkman Adventures puts you and your children right into the middle of the lives of real people who struggled to hold onto and cherish their faith. Your children will understand the struggles of others and also cherish and be vigilant to protect the freedoms they have in this country.

“Learning to walk with Jesus in hard places, without giving up.”

Twelve Episodes of fun, danger, and high adventure are included on the 4 CDs:

You can find the Brinkman’s on Facebook and follow their real-life adventures there as well as on their radio adventure website.

You can also see behind the scenes recording of these great radio adventures on the Brinkman Adventures YouTube Channel

… and I discovered that the Brinkman’s are releasing a curriculum for homeschoolers to accompany the radio adventures! (see video below)

Each episode is so compelling, I found myself listening to as many as possible at once. And now my teenage son is loving them as well!

My favorite episodes were the stories of the family in Russia who were persecuted for inadvertently forming a ‘house church’ and the episode about Nhu, the Cambodian girl sold into slavery who was rescued by Mr. Brinkman and who now runs a home to shelter young girls from a similar fate.


Do you and your children like to listen to radio adventures?

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