
Funnies Flops & Fails Link Up

Friday Funnies Flops and Fails

Did you have a flop or a fail in your homeschool this week? Maybe something happened that was just too funny!

Share it here in our weekly Friday link up – let’s show all those homeschooling moms who think that homeschooling has to be that Pinterest-perfect activity ALL the time what homeschooling really looks like!

Homeschooling can be messy and there may be tears, and your laundry absolutely never, ever, gets done! But it still is the absolute best thing you have ever done and the best life you could possibly imagine for your kids and for you, right?!

Counting Like An Egyptian

I discovered a book produced by the San Francisco Exploratorium in our local library called “Math and Science Across Cultures: Activities and Investigations from the Exploratorium” that is crammed with

Testing the Turtle Paradox

The Doodlebugs discovered yesterday afternoon that testing “the turtle paradox” with their cousin in Grandma’s huge backyard did not work. I am not sure that Zeno’s Paradox of the Tortoise

Daily Fun Math Ideas

I just ran into a website called Bedtime Math with absolutely fun daily ideas to incorporate a fun math puzzle into your evening. Each puzzle has options for various age

Creating a Love for Math – Part 2

Marcus Du Sautoy has done more for my kids’ understanding and love for math (or maths as he puts it in England) than I thought possible. Throughout my educational career,

Creating a Love for Math – Part 1

It is so important for kids to realize that math is not a dreary, dull subject. There are a few mathematicians who stand out as truly loving mathematics and providing