It’s all about family
The last week has really driven me to focus on what is most important. Now, you might think that would be a job or a favorite kitchen appliance but actually
Relaxed and homeschooling are two words that most days don’t belong in the same sentence. Still, if you can get to relaxed your children, your husband, and your inner self will thank you. That is when you know you are truly living the homeschool life fully.
The last week has really driven me to focus on what is most important. Now, you might think that would be a job or a favorite kitchen appliance but actually
How many of us are really okay? Are you really that happy, together woman that you let everyone see? I am betting there are times you aren’t. I am completely
Camping is not only for summertime. The most fabulous thing about homeschooling is that you can pack up the van and get out into nature on a Sunday without a
Having grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area, I visited the Egyptian museum a number of times as a child. By the time I was grown and homeschooling my
We are moving ahead full steam on our plan to focus on spending time exploring this school year. Once again if you have any ideas to share like great places
Change is one of those words that many people avoid. Not me. I am that person who grows her hair out just for the joy of lopping it off. I
For us the best part of homeschooling has been those special outings, just Mom and kids having an adventure. And so I decided to share what is left of our
Today I wanted to write about YOU. By YOU I don’t mean only you, I mean you and me – all of us moms. We are all YOU. So here
A few months ago, I noticed that my kids were asking for changes. They did not want to continue homeschooling the same way anymore. They both had goals and ideas