
Relaxed Homeschool Mom Life

Relaxed and homeschooling are two words that most days don’t belong in the same sentence. Still, if you can get to relaxed your children, your husband, and your inner self will thank you. That is when you know you are truly living the homeschool life fully.

The Brave Art of Motherhood

A review of a book that will take you on an amazing journey through your life. The basic premise of this book is to not lose yourself as you strive

Checking your focus in three easy steps

Checking your focus

Have you ever added up all the hours in your week? You know, classified them? This is something I try to do every few months so that I don’t get

Step Towards Success

Remember how hard it was to stand there when he took his first step without your hand to hold him up? If you were like me, you said a little

Where did I lose it?

Where did I lose it?

All week I have been looking for it. I was certain that it was in that messy mound that I sometimes refer to as my desk. I needed it so