

We have been through so very many math books that I could fill the closet with all the rejects. Math is one of those subjects that really needs to fit your kid’s way of learning.
I have reviewed countless math books and online programs, and even wrote a curriculum called Doodles Do Algebra™ designed to fit dyslexic, gifted, artistic, creative, and everyday children.
Don’t worry, math is not that hard to teach, even if you did not understand it in school. It will be just fine.

Playing With Math? You Betcha!

This little book could be your entire math curriculum for preschool and kindergarten combined! A fantastic combination of explanations for the parents along with amazing activities that drive home real-world

Count on Me

Count on Me is a lovely and gentle walk through the day of a young girl who sees shapes and math everywhere she goes. Each page is filled with delicate