DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Drawing the Knight

My son is a wonderful artist but the human figure has always eluded him. No matter how much time he spent trying to draw people, they never turn out. He can draw the most amazing landscapes, and trees, and skies, but never a man.

And then we began reviewing the Creating A Masterpiece art classes. He set his sights on a painting of a knight. This is partly because he really likes the contrast in the painting, but mostly because he loves knights – their weapons and armor and most especially their code of honor.

So after watching the video about sketching your knight figure, my son blew my socks off with a human figure sketch that looks like a human! So far these art lessons are turning out to be really really good.

The second sketch was one my son did with a different stroke technique – trying to show movement and shape and an ability to see under and behind the shield that the knight is holding.

Drawing a Knight


…and Thank You to

for hosting this Virtual Fridge Linkup!

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