DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Encouraging Interest-Led Homeschooling

Encouraging Interest-Led LearningI can see the end of our homeschooling road in the distance. In a lot of ways this makes me sad. We had so many, many great encouraging days and fantastic outings. Nights spent reading poetry and drinking tea together. Mornings spent making absolutely huge messes with amazing art projects at the kitchen table.

Now my kids are in high school and I can see the end. I have a sheet of paper with the classes they have left to take and it fits on one sheet of paper.

How can I recapture the beauty of spontaneous homeschooling in these last years?

I think it is time to start some interest-led learning.

Are you in the same mind-space? Do you have teens? Are you looking at the end of your identity as a homeschooling mom on the horizon?

What do you think of interest-led high school?

I suppose that means that all it really means is that you let your kids create their own electives and let them choose as many as they like.

In our house that has led to some really fun activities, like skin diving and hiking and creating some small businesses.

I admit it isn’t the same as rolling up my sleeves and playing with paint and bubbles with the young ones, but it sure is a great feeling to watch my kids explore and learn on their own.

We give our children a safe and encouraging spot to learn and explore when we homeschool.

Isn’t that what homeschooling is fundamentally all about?

What are you doing this year as we begin homeschooling again that you are really excited about?

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