DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

G is for Grace

G is for GraceOne sad night, several years ago, I sat around the dinner table with my family, reestablishing conversation and relationships while a missing man hovered in everyone’s thoughts.

My youngsters had managed well throughout the day, but were now giddy with the stress of a new life without their Grandpa and all the change that that entails. Who would take his place at the head of table, my kids wanted to know. Who would spend dinner gently chatting and smiling with them?

My kids did not need to wonder for long. The others, in-laws and my husband, carried on jovial conversation which wound itself around the dinner table and wrapped everyone, youngsters included, in a warm, comforting reassurance that family brings. Grace.

The youngsters learned an important lesson about life from those of us who are not-so-young that night. But, they learned an even more important lesson from their Grandma: Life and family and faith are really one, and when combined, they carry us through this life and beyond. Always Grace.

My children learned that night that saying goodbye to a loved member of your family can be terribly sad, but it is not terrible. It is simply another part of the grace that defines us.

And as we sat that night around the table, I watched my children and their Grandma, and I finally realized the full meaning of the word “Grace.”

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