DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Oh Goodness! {Our Weekly WrapUp}

“Oh Goodness!” really sums up our week.

Have you ever had one of those “Oh Goodness” moments when you realize that instead of being behind, your kids are actually finishing up courses early?

It happens to me every year. I don’t know why. But is one of those great feelings like waking up thinking you are late only to realize you can go beck to sleep for another hour or two.

Textbooks are designed for children to learn is a steady way, the same amount every week. But who really learns like that? I don’t.

Don’t you actually learn in fits and starts? It is really hard for a while and you need to practice or think on it a lot, and then BAM! You understand. You are ready to move on.

I think that is why my kids progress through lessons catches me by surprise every year. When a course will get done is completely unpredictable, even if I know how much time they are spending on it each day. Once they reach that, “I understand it!” moment, progress scoots along and before I know it, the class work is done.

Oh Goodness and glory is all I can chalk it up to.

Our Blog was busy this week – Thank you to everyone who is commenting and joining me as we talk about homeschooling life! I really enjoy the conversation and fellowship.

We are evaluating lots products & books this week that will result in interesting and exciting reviews in a few weeks including:

Books I Am Reading These Days

I read for fun, but also to try to keep up with what my kids are learning. This last part feels like a race I can never win sometimes, but I suppose trying is what being a homeschool mom is mostly all about.


Places I am linking up this post

Drop by and read the great posts at the places I linked up this week!

And read through the great posts at Homeschool Highlights Link Up as well.

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