
Rain! | Our Weekly WrapUp & Friday Funnies, Flops, and Fails LinkUp

Rain! | Our Weekly WrapUp & Friday Funnies, Flops, and Fails LinkUp

Rain!I had a lot of ideas when I sat down to write this post. I was going to write about all the great things we did in our homeschool this week. How my kids began exploring Frankenstein using Sharon Watson’s Characters in Crisis Literature curriculum (review coming very soon). I was going to write about the charity and faithfulness of my daughter who knitted a scarf, sewed a sweatshirt, and then packed them up in a birthday box for a girl she knows whose parents don’t treat her with love and kindness. I was going to write about my son who loves to learn math at midnight and the joy that lights up his face when he discovers a new relationship or application for that math in his favorite science subject: chemistry. I was even going to write about how yet again I had to ask my kids what St. Augustine meant in another of his arguments in The City of God. And how both children spent the week practicing musical instruments with renewed fervor, probably because we decided to let them choose whether to study music or not and now that they have the choice, it is one they joyfully make.

All of this I had planned and then like a dog who sees a squirrel pass by on the porch, I completely lost my train of thought. . .


Living in California, fall is kind of dismal. The golden hills of California is a phrase that so many know and many people think has something to do with the gold in the Sierra Nevada mountains. But no. The hills are actually golden because they are dry. That is our fall since our summers generally are hot and clear with no rain. Rain comes in the fall and in the winter and spring, with any luck.

I am old enough (shhh – don’t tell!) to have lived through many drought cycles in our area of California. The drought we just passed through was pretty severe, although there was one in the 1970’s that was worse. The point is that after a long dry period your nose becomes highly tuned to the smell of moisture. You can smell the moisture when your neighbor three houses down waters his lawn. And we are close enough to having gotten past the last drought that rain is still something my nose knows.

So this morning when I sat down to write this, I smelled water! Yes, rain!

(cue the happy music and let’s go out and dance on the sidewalk!)

It is officially fall now. We can have birthdays and Thanksgiving followed by Christmas because the rain has come!

Now, here are my posts from this week. . .


Friday Funnies, Flops, and Fails Link Up

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Grab a button for the Friday Funnies, Flops, and Fails Link Up and place it in your post. . .

If you had a Funny or a Flop or a Fail in your homeschooling life this week please consider linking up here to share it with us.

Did you have a flop or a fail in your homeschool this week? Maybe something happened that was just too funny!

Share it here in my blog hop – let’s show all those homeschooling moms who think that homeschooling has to be that Pinterest-perfect activity ALL the time what homeschooling really looks like!

Homeschooling can be messy and there may be tears, and your laundry absolutely never, ever, gets done! But it still is the absolute best thing you have ever done and the best life you could possibly imagine for your kids and for you, right?!

How Was Your Week? Did you get any rain? Or maybe snow!

11 Responses

    1. Thank you for hosting! I love reading about your week, and seeing pictures of new coffee cups! 🙂

  1. With Halloween, and my older son having a tooth out, lots of interruptions this week. I know what you mean about smelling water…moved back to California after 20 years away, but those years were in Texas, and it’s not much different there.

    1. I hope your son recovered OK – having teeth out can really be hard on youngsters! Wow – 20 years away from California! I bet it changed a whole lot while you were gone!

  2. How wonderful to get rain when it’s needed and expected. We got a lot of rain this week too but I wouldn’t have minded if it hadn’t all come down in just 24 hours. LOL,

  3. I miss the rain… *sigh… It used to rain here when I was a kid. There was rain in the forecast but, not anymore. Boo

      1. In So Cal, Ontario. Eventually, we will get some rain. Just not as much as I would like. I love the rain. We will be taking a trip up to Big Sir soon. I can’t wait.

    1. Yes, it was! And you are right – the best part was the love in my children’s hearts! Thank you!