DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Roller Coaster Week {Our Weekly WrapUp}

Our Roller Coaster Week Kicked Off June

Roller Coaster WeekThis week was crazy. There were great greats, and low lows, and everything in between. I can see the end of our school year on the horizon and have been positioning and shuffling so that all the classes will come out even at the end.

It is at this time of year that I tend to wish that we did not homeschool all year. Our big vacation is in the wintertime. This makes so much sense because going out to museums and parks really is not fun during those hot summer months when everything is crowded with kids out for summer vacation. But when those days start to heat up, and I think about how I could be taking a break like everyone else, I start to second guess my decision.

But it really wasn’t my decision. It was my kids who want to school this way. They really like our daily lessons and don’t want them to stop just because other kids are taking vacations. Since my kids are the reason I have this lifestyle, it makes sense to accommodate their wishes as much as I can.

The last bit of news I have to share with you is that I had to make some choices over the last couple of months. Some were easy, and others were really, really hard.

The hardest was that I need to step away from the Homeschool Review Crew, at least for now. I love the ladies of the crew. And I will dearly miss them, but that is just the way it has to be at this point. I will still review books and products on my own, but at a schedule that I can keep to more easily given the other things pulling on my apron strings right now. And isn’t it those hard choices that makes being a parent even sweeter even if it can be hard?

I published two final reviews for the Homeschool Review Crew this week after my kids and I spend an awesome month working through fabulous curriculum. Here are the links:

Oh I would love a vacation right about now, though!

I have some wonderful co-hosts and we blog through the alphabet together each Thursday. Come join us! – Thank you to everyone who is commenting and joining me as we talk about homeschooling life! I really enjoy the conversation and fellowship.

We are evaluating products & books this week that will result in interesting and exciting reviews in a few weeks including:


Books I Am Reading These Days

I read for fun, but also to try to keep up with what my kids are learning. This last part feels like a race I can never win sometimes, but I suppose trying is what being a homeschool mom is mostly all about.


Places I am linking up this post

Drop by and read the great posts at the places I linked up this week!

And read through the great posts at Homeschool Highlights Link Up as well.

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