DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

V is for Verse

V is for VerseDo you ever hear a verse in your head? I do, especially on rainy quiet mornings like to day.

This is something that was running through my head and I had to get it out onto paper.


Irises and Marigolds


Lovely purple sentries standing straight and tall each day,

Lining our front yard as if to say;


Stop! But do not fear,

You many grab a glance at beauty here;


You may even snap a photo to keep and recall,

what wild flowers and spring bulbs all;


You may keep a photo but come closer not we dare,

Nature in a city with yards bare.


Did you write a post this week around the letter V? If so, join our link up! (and don’t forget to check out my co-hosts at Hopkins Homeschool and Biblical Womanhood)

Blogging Through The Alphabet

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