Rain and Games and Together Again
Frustrated teenagers are not a pretty sight, but thankfully we had lessons to do, and activities to go to that kept them from missing their friends too much.
Tonight after nightly Latin lessons with my son, I retreated to my computer and the kids settled down together with a game they have not played since they were little.
So here I sit in the next room at the computer, listening to a brother and a sister enjoying each other and playing together.
It takes me back to the old days when they were small. My days were filled with work but surrounded by the noise of my twins playing together. Always together and always friends.
So for me, this week, the rain is really a blessing. It gave me the chance to recapture the joy of being a spectator to my children’s lives. I thank God every day for the opportunity I have had over the years to watch the two of them grow and learn and laugh and cry together. My children are the biggest challenge I have in my life and also the source of the biggest joy.
And so this week I watched them come back together to spend time and play games and laugh. . . all because of the rain! Together again.
Posts I wrote this week
Moms & Kids Sharing Love | An activity & a review of Love by Matt de la Pena
You Can Make Me Look At The Words, But You Can’t Make Me Read!
L is for Leaving Behind {Blogging Through The Alphabet Link Up}
Places I linked up this post
Drop by and read the posts of some great homeschooling families at this week’s Homeschool Highlights Link Up. And read through the great posts at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers’ Link Up as well! …and check out the great weekly wrap up posts linked up at The Homeschool Post!